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R.I.P. Joe Frazier: 1944 – 2011

MP3 Download: Wu-Tang Clan – Protect Your Neck by acmOner

I smoke on the mic like Smokin’ Joe Frazier….” – Inspectah Deck

Read more….

Joe Frazier: Smokin Joe and Hip-Hop. [Allhiphop.com]

– “In 1971, Joe Frazier fought Muhammad Ali for the title. LIFE magazine left these photos on the cutting room floor….” [via twitter]

– From an Olympic gold medal to the ‘Thrilla in Manila’ – Smokin’ Joe Frazier’s career in pictures. [BBC News via twitter]

“The Fight Of The Century” Turns 40. [The Smoking Section]

[News] President Obama Declares the War in Iraq will Finish by End of 2011 (video)

Looking back at archives of The Kitchen on the Internet Wayback Machine, I was shocked at how much energy and anger I expended on talking about this war. Over eight and a half years later, now that it’s finally over though, I don’t even know how I feel. Should I be happy? Is this really a victory? Is it the right decision? What are y’all thoughts?

“I think this is what the 99% are talking about….”

As quoted from the facebook page where I swiped this (thanks, Frank!) So Paul Allen, Ex-Mortgage CEO, get sentenced to three years in prison for a $3 billion fraud, but Roy Brown, a remorseful homeless man who returned the $100 he robbed from a Capital One bank branch in Shreveport, Louisiana get sentenced to 15 years??! Keep marching Occupy Wall Street protesters and keep protesting….

In case you’re skeptical, here are the original source articles: Huffington Post | Digital Journal

[BREAKING NEWS] AP News: Gadhafi Captured, Possibly Killed

Amazing Photos from Occupy Wall Street Protests Around the World!

Occupy Michigan:

Occupy London:

Occupy Madrid:

Occupy Belgium:

Occupy Rome:

Occupy Santa Rosa:

Like I said when I first posted on the #OWS movement, I was sleeping. But no more, this is real and like Jason Linkins argues in an excellent Huffington Post Op-Ed, Occupy Wall Street is starting to alter the media narrative about the economy.

Hit the jump for more amazing images from this 3G (growing, global, grassroots) movement.

[most images via David Harris-Gershon]


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