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[Music Video] Fight of the Century: Keynes vs. Hayek Round Two

Another rap take on current affairs and the economy – for my fellow Econ. major nerds only (probably….):

According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, the Great Recession ended almost two years ago, in the summer of 2009. But we’re all uneasy. Job growth has been disappointing. The recovery seems fragile. Where should we head from here? Is that question even meaningful? Can the government steer the economy or have past attempts helped create the mess we’re still in.

John Maynard Keynes and F. A. Hayek never agreed on the answers to these questions and they still don’t. Let’s listen to the greats. See Keynes and Hayek throwing down in “Fight of the Century”.

[Econ Stories via Fareed Zakaria GPS on CNN]

Rap News 7: Revolution Spreads to America (extended version)

This is slightly dated at this point but still worth sharing! Really great….

[via Semtex]

[News] Grandchildren and Youngest Son of Muammar Gaddafi ‘killed in NATO air strike’

This is a terrible turn of events, no doubt but c’mon, this Gaddafi spokesman is pretty much talking out of his ass when he denounces this attack as not ‘protecting citizens’ or ‘advancing the cause of peace….’

Read more: Telegraph | Christian Science Monitor

“Show me your papers, Negro!” – Goldie Taylor on this Obama Birth Certificate F-ckery!

I got mad all over again after watching this. Read the Op-Ed as originally published on The Grio HERE.


Why Barack Obama Is the Real Donald Trump. [The Root]


[Video] Syria’s Violent Crackdown Continues Undeterred

F-cking terrible….


Syria Tries to Defend Its Record to United Nations. [NY Times]

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