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Archive for November, 2009

NEW Feature: The Kitchen Interview with new artist, Poe Picasso

Poe Picasso,mixtape

Now this is something new for The Kitchen – our first artist interview! Over the six years I’ve run this blog, I’ve studiously avoided doing interviews for a variety of reasons but after I got into a conversation with up-and-coming rapper, Poe Picasso about his recently-released Exhibit B: Manifest Destiny album, a project you should definitely check out, I thought what he had to say might be worth sharing with you, The Kitchen readers. I asked him if he’d consent to answer a few more questions to flesh it out a little and the following was the end-result:

So this conversation originally sparked off when I asked you if Exhibit B was a stealth Christian Hip-Hop Album because of some interesting biblical and overtly Christian ideas expressed throughout the record. So is it?

No it isn’t. In actuality its a concept album and the underlying concept of the album is me feeling superior and having some form of God Complex, hence the title Manifest Destiny. I purposely wrote the album that way because I wanted to take a darker introspective route.

I think I asked you originally if you were a “full-on Christian or just deeply fascinated with the Christian/Bible”? (more…)

Poe Picasso’s Exhibit B: Manifest Destiny is out now!

Poe Picasso,mixtape

I’ve supported this dude’s music before. His latest full-length project, Exhibit B: Manifest Destiny finally dropped on Halloween.

I checked it out over the weekend and thought it was really good but when you check it out, listen carefully and answer this question: is Exhibit B: Manifest Destiny a stealth Christian hip hop album? I mean never mind the artwork on the cover and the teaser flyer, I caught a couple references here and there throughout the album that really had me wondering and by time I heard “Mark of the Beast” I was like, this dude is either a full-on Christian or deeply fascinated with the Christan/Bible culture while the “Human” track sounded like a defense of Creationism! Nothing wrong with that (well, except if you really think evolution is a myth and dinosaurs coexisted with humans or any other such nonsense, that is), but I hit Poe about it and he said this on the issue:

I just wanted to make a real, honest album with no restrictions, my references to the bible are just used to make a more compelling case for what i’m saying, i am not a very religious person beleive it or not, i am deeply spiritual though…”

So there it is! Check it out for yourself and tell me what you think though:

Pos Picasso‘s Exhibit B: Manifest Destiny album. [mediafire]


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#DK11: The album, This One Goes To Eleven… OUT NOW

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