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Archive for November, 2012

[Album Stream] Signif – Significant Wizdom II: Atypical

And even more hip-hop. I discovered this one completely by accident on Good Tunes while shuffling through, er… shuffle.fm. This is super-dope! When I say I think this young lady just made the album Shortie No Mas was supposed to 15 yrs ago, I mean that in the very best way possible….

FOLLOW SIGNIF ONLINE: twitter | facebook | tumblr

[Album Stream] New Artist: Introducing Skipp Whitman – 5AM

Been really digging this BK by way of Boston MC, Skipp Whitman‘s 5AM album since I started checking it out yesterday. Skipp handles all the completely original (no sample) production himself and it is impeccable. Vocally he reminds me of the homie, D-sisive at times and a little bit of friend of The Kitchen, T.Shirt as well but overall, this is kind of fresh to my ears. I digs! What about y’all??

If you like what you hear and you’re in the NYC area, Skipp has a show at Arelene’s Grocery in the LES tomorrow evening. Hit the jump for more details.


[MP3] T.I. – Trap Back Jumpin’

Not that ground-breaking but hot as f-ck!!!!

Nov. 23 and 24 are Adbuster’s Buy Nothing Day

Better late than never, more Black Friday food for thought:

Until we challenge the entrenched values of capitalism – that the economy must always keep growing, that consumer wants must always be satisfied, that immediate gratification is imperative – we’re not going able to fix the gigantic psycho-financial-eco crisis of our times.

The journey towards a sane sustainable future begins with a single step. It could all start with a personal challenge, such as this: make a vow to yourself to participate in Buy Nothing Day this year. This November 23rd, go cold turkey on consumption for 24 hours … see what happens … you just might have an unexpected, emancipatory epiphany!

Buy Nothing Day is legendary for instigating this type of personal transformation … as you suddenly remember what real living is all about … you sense an upsurge of radical empowerment and feel a strange magic creeping back into your life.

Join millions of us in over 60 countries on November 23/24 and see what it feels like. Then, after Buy Nothing Day, take the next step … for generations, Christmas has been hijacked by commercial forces … this year, let’s take it back.

CLICK HERE for more info.

[Album Stream] Listen to the SZA – See.SZA.Run EP in FULL!

Cool chillout-with-beats vibes that I would describe as falling somewhere in between electronic pop-soul and trip hop if you put a gun to my head and forced me to put labels on this. In a better world I would just call it good music. Worth your time….

Ya dig? Then hit the jump for the video for track 6 on the EP, “Country”…

[via Complex]


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