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In case you missed it: D.O. – Heavy In The Game (FULL Album Stream)

The Heavy in the Game album dropped last week. You can check it out in full via the bandcamp player above. Know the kid personally and am a fan of his solo work and music with Slakah the Beatchild as part of the club-rap duo, The Art of Fresh so check it out and drop a comment with your feedback below.

You can see it the player above but hit the jump for the track list with credits and also the first video from the album, “She Likes You” produced by Classified.

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1. Bill Russell
2. Interlude
3. Heavy In The Game (feat. J-Bru)
4. Interlude
5. Can’t Tell Me (feat. Famous, Sonreal, Chris Jackson)
6. Take It In (feat. Slakah the Beatchild)
7. Interlude
8. Back To Blazin (feat. Chris Jackson)
9. For Heaven Sake (feat. Slakah the Beatchild)
10. Interlude
11. It’s On (feat. Chad Hatcher)
12. By The Way
13. Interlude
14. Take Care of Me (feat. Miss David)
15. Be Alright (feat. Preetam Sengupta)
16. What You Want
17. She Likes You
18. Ah Yeah (additional vocals by Maestro Fresh Wes)
19. Shut It Down (feat. Rochester)
20. The Legacy 2.0
21. Can’t Tell Me (Original)

Track 1, 18 produced by DJ Speed for Muddbone Studios
Track 3 produced by Rich Kidd
Track 5, 8, 12, 14, 19, 21 produced by Diz Dallas for Jahronomo Inc
Track 6 produced by Marco Polo
Track 9, 15 produced by Metty The Dert Merchant
Track 11, 17 produced by Classified
Track 16 produced by Slakah the Beatchild
Track 20 produced by Malicious


5 Responses to “In case you missed it: D.O. – Heavy In The Game (FULL Album Stream)”

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#DK11: The album, This One Goes To Eleven… OUT NOW

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