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Videos: President Obama’s Last Minute Call to Get Out the Vote on Nov. 2

I’m still a fan and realize he’s done the best he can with the horrible hand he was dealt by his predecessor, but that was hardly inspiring stuff in the video above as compared to the soaring rhetoric and vision he laid out during his historic ’08 campaign. Democrats are really bent over a chair for these midterms by comparison: is it gonna hurt much?

Click the jump for another video of President Obama at a rally in his hometown in Chicago saying : “I need you to keep on fighting.” (how should I take the opening shot showing a bunch of Black dudes walking away from the stage at the beginning of the clip??)

So remember kids, vote tomorrow or prepare to face a President Palin future!


5 Responses to “Videos: President Obama’s Last Minute Call to Get Out the Vote on Nov. 2”

  1. This is a good blog message, I will keep the post in my mind. If you can add more video and pictures can be much better. Because they help much clear understanding. 🙂 thanks Normannia.

    Posted by Normannia | November 6, 2010, 11:28 am
  2. nice post. thanks.

    Posted by physical therapist | November 10, 2010, 11:31 pm
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