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New Music: Awkword feat. C-Rayz Walz & Chief Kamachi (AOTP) – Imperialism

“Imperialism”, produced The White Shadow, dropped on Saturday, October 30, 2010, as Track 8 on The White Shadow album Destiny, which also features Kool G Rap, Joell Ortiz, Ras Kass, KRS-One, ILL BILL, Reef the Lost Cauze, Planet Asia, Thirstin Howl III, M-Dot, and more.

The Destiny album can be purchased now on iTunes for $9.99. The song, “Imperialism” can be purchased for 99 cents and will also appear as an internet bonus track on AWKWORD‘s forthcoming 100% for-charity global Hip Hop project, World View. 100% of your $0.99 purchase will be donated to Guns 4 Cameras (a.k.a. Aim to Live), a 501c3 nonprofit dedicated to combating gun violence by educating and empowering our inner-city youth. Help us combat street violence and support indie hip hop at the same time!

For more information on this one-of-a-kind philanthropic effort, CLICK HERE.

BUY “Imperialism” on iTunes HERE.


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