In an era when Barclays Premier League clubs seem obsessed with foreign imports, Southampton are supplying ready-made talent for the England team. Club chairman Nicola Cortese believes the Saints have a responsibility to the national team and his philosophy is felt in every area of the club. It is working. Hodgson’s debt to patriotic Saints as star striker Lambert insists other clubs should follow St Mary’s model
Joe Cole, one of England’s brightest prospects in the last 15 years, is now starting to enter the autumn of his career. It’s hard to think of another player who, as he approaches 31 next month, can still be subject of debate over how good he was, is, or still can be. From wonderkid to forgotten 30-year-old, Cole enters last chance saloon at Liverpool
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In an era when Barclays Premier League clubs seem obsessed with foreign imports, Southampton are supplying ready-made talent for the England team. Club chairman Nicola Cortese believes the Saints have a responsibility to the national team and his philosophy is felt in every area of the club. It is working. Hodgson’s debt to patriotic Saints as star striker Lambert insists other clubs should follow St Mary’s model
Joe Cole, one of England’s brightest prospects in the last 15 years, is now starting to enter the autumn of his career. It’s hard to think of another player who, as he approaches 31 next month, can still be subject of debate over how good he was, is, or still can be. From wonderkid to forgotten 30-year-old, Cole enters last chance saloon at Liverpool