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[MP3] Jerelle – Swimming / Tidal Wave

New Toronto-based ‘fusion’ hip-hop artist blending Hip-hop, R&B, Soul and “a touch of Rock.” Jerelle Fisher is giving me kind Raury‘s older brother vibes mixed with a little Miguel (on “Swimming”, at least). Very water-heavy imagery on both tracks, huh?

Toronto hip hop artist Jerelle has been making waves this past year with his project “Undertow”, a collaborative project between main songwriter and performer Jerelle alongside his team; Colton Maddigan, Eduardo Guerrero, Mat Breiner, Courtney Rose, Sofie Monaro, Nick Cassidy, Shelby Randel, Greg Bradley.

“The project in a whole was my first push with this group of creatives, and our first push commercially in the industry. Calling it the Undertow is meant to represent the pull and the undertow our wave of sound will bring. Pulling people in with the unique boundary breaking sound. The whole project was written and inspired by real raw emotions I was going through for the past year or so. I write in the most personal way possible, giving the listener a little piece of myself with every song..” – Jerelle

This genre bending project that will keep you on edge with every song being different but will leave you with that familiar feeling. Drawing on 90’s hip hop, early 2000’s R&B this electrifying project is bound to get you moving and grooving.

His first single “Tidal Wave” was release in October 2017. His newest single “Swimming” was written off fresh feeling. The hook “I be swimming in women” was an attempt for Jerelle to cloud the memory of a past love, by trying to be with other women, and keeping his old flame in the deepest corners of his mind. The more he had done so, the more it killed him inside.

Follow Jerelle onlineFacebook | Twitter | Instagram


9 Responses to “[MP3] Jerelle – Swimming / Tidal Wave”

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