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Video of Hockey Commentator Don Cherry Attacking ‘Pinko’ Left Wing ‘Kooks’ and Media at Rob Ford’s Inauguration

For the uninitiated (i.e. all non-Canadians and non-hockey fans), Don Cherry is a TV personality and Hockey Night in Canada color commentator who’s kind of national institution up here, known both for his loud suits and his loud advocacy of full-contact, violent hockey (at all levels, from little kids on up) as embodied in his Rock ‘Em, Sock ‘Em Hockey and Hard-Hitting Hockey video series.

Earlier this week he caused an uproar at the inauguration of newly-elected Tea Party-esque mayor, Rob Ford by attacking the Toronto media and liberal populace, repeatedly calling them ‘pinkos’ and ‘kooks.’ Of course, reaction was swift….

Cherry’s comments spur city council pink brigade. [Toronto Star]

Star Op-ed: New low in public discourse. [Toronto Star]

Read more about it here.


One Response to “Video of Hockey Commentator Don Cherry Attacking ‘Pinko’ Left Wing ‘Kooks’ and Media at Rob Ford’s Inauguration”

  1. If the idiot voters down here were going to elect a foreigner to be the “Leader of the Free World”, why the hell didn’t the idiots elect someone like DON CHERRY ?!!!

    Posted by Yank1 | May 31, 2011, 1:28 pm

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