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What the F-ck is Going on in the Ivory Coast with their Elections?

Two governments sworn in at the same time‘??! WTF??!?

The two candidates in Ivory Coast’s disputed presidential election took duelling oaths of office Saturday after each claimed victory, as the political crisis spiralled out of control and renewed unrest in this country once split in two by civil war.

Incumbent President Laurent Gbagbo defied international pressure from the United States, France and the United Nations to concede defeat, wrapping himself in the Ivorian flag as he was sworn in for another term. Hours later, opposition candidate Alassane Ouattara announced that he too had taken his own oath.

Saturday’s developments leave Ivory Coast with two men who both claim to be president, furthering inflaming the deepening political crisis in a country whose once-prosperous economy was destroyed by the brief 2002-2003 civil war.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper, U.S. President Barack Obama and French President Nicolas Sarkozy say Ouattara is the rightful winner and that his victory must be acknowledged. The top UN official in Ivory Coast is also standing by results released Thursday by the country’s election commission that put Ouattara ahead.

Like the US should talk though, right?

CLICK HERE to read the rest of the article.

Someone needs to explain to me why some Alassane Ouattara supporters are wearing blackface though! Hit the jump to see what I’m talking about….


4 Responses to “What the F-ck is Going on in the Ivory Coast with their Elections?”

  1. Nice to see you’re taking interest in some hot issues in Africa. That’s the sad story, of these elections that could have closed the chapter of years of war in my country, but turned into even more beef. Hit me up if you want the latest news or another opinion on the story!

    Posted by toma | December 13, 2010, 4:16 pm
  2. Toma, thanks for reaching out. Please come back and post some links if you have any you think people should check out.

    Posted by Ian | December 13, 2010, 9:57 pm
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