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Video: President Obama Speaks on the Annual Afghanistan-Pakistan Review

I’m reading Jon Krakauer’s Where Men Win Glory abut the f-ckery surrounding Pat Tillman’s death by US friendly fire and he goes into some decent detail about the modern (post-World War II) history of Afghanistan and how the Taliban came to power in the wake of their victory, as the Mujaheddin forces (with weaponry funded by the US’s CIA channeled via Pakistan’s ISI), over the Soviets in Afghanistan. Honestly based on what I’m reading, the US is f-cked. That country has about as much of a shot of becoming a functioning, self-governing democracy as I do of ever becoming say, a world-class rapper!


Read an Overview of the Afghanistan and Pakistan Annual Review. [alt. link: NYT]

The Washington Post‘s Eugene Robinson says: In Afghanistan, the US is on track to nowhere.

The New York Times: “For Americans, anxious about the war in Afghanistan, there is not a lot of comfort or clarity to be found in President Obama’s long-promised strategy review.”

[via the White House blog]


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