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Should Sarah Palin Be Held Responsible for the Gabrielle Giffords Shooting Tragedy?

If you saw this tweet (above) last March and followed Palin’s exhortation to go to her Facebook page, this (below) is what you would have seen there until it was taken down today for some odd reason:

When are we gonna start considering the extremists in the Tea Party the insurrectionists and domestic terrorists that they truly are. We were already warned very clearly before this tragedy occurred.


Sarah Palin Criticized Over Gabrielle Giffords Presence on “Target List.” [CBS News]

Is Palin’s “Crosshairs” Map Relevant? Giffords Thought So. [HuffPost]

Bloodshed Puts New Focus on Vitriol in Politics. [The New York Times]

Sarah Palin Issues Statement On “The Tragedy In Arizona.” :/ [via Facebook]

[graphic via HuffPost / Tweet via The Maddow Blog]


10 Responses to “Should Sarah Palin Be Held Responsible for the Gabrielle Giffords Shooting Tragedy?”

  1. Yes, she(PALIN) should be held responsible!!
    When people say and do things that has anti government rhetoric towards harm to others they are causing some to pass judgment before knowing the facts.
    If I say or even suggest this at work and on my job I will be fired and probably arrested if I mention this rhetoric.
    This is what is needed when public figures and politically charged talking heads create an atmosphere of hate and anger against the government . They inflame the public and cause division in our country.

    Posted by RandyA | January 10, 2011, 8:59 am
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