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Above is AP raw video of the celebrations at the news that Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has stepped down after 30 years heading the most ‘stable’ dictatorship in the Middle East and 18 days of protest by the courageous Egyptian people.

Read more: ABC News | Voice of America | Wall Street Journal

Hit the jump for Basha Beats and Natacha Atlas‘s “Mounqaliba” from Egypt: Rise to Freedom 1.5.

This is a remix of material from “Mounqaliba”. We were inspired to do this by the news from Tahrir
Square. Here’s a translation:

Natacha :

Let us stand together and awaken ,
Let us question, learn and study;
Listen, understand and think.
Let us understand,
Permit us to know-
Permit us to know freedom.

Let us know there is a land
where words are the purveyors of truth,
heads are held high,
And human will is regarded above all.

Where the world is not split into a thousand fragments,
Under siege, forgotten, or lost –
Let us perceive of it,
Let us know that place.
Let us know our land,
where words are the purveyors of truth.



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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Ian, Different Kitchen. Different Kitchen said: [blog] [News] BREAKING: EGYPTIAN PRESIDENT HOSNI MUBARAK STEPS DOWN! http://bit.ly/f8Pgsc […]

  2. […] was watching CNN the night of these momentous events but had to turn it off. Gloria Borger was peddling the same old scare tactics & stereotypes […]

  3. […] are literally changing back.  Democracy has swept  the Middle East & African countries our chicken hawks have surely planned contingency/invasions on.  Americans […]

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