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[Album Stream] Signif – Significant Wizdom II: Atypical

And even more hip-hop. I discovered this one completely by accident on Good Tunes while shuffling through, er… shuffle.fm. This is super-dope! When I say I think this young lady just made the album Shortie No Mas was supposed to 15 yrs ago, I mean that in the very best way possible….

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8 Responses to “[Album Stream] Signif – Significant Wizdom II: Atypical

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  1. […] posted music by this talented young lady before (her Significant Wizdom II: Atypical mixtape album). This new track from her forthcoming Friction project confirms she’s a genuine new talent […]

  2. […] a fan of female rapper, Signif since discovering her music by accident a year and a half […]

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