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[News] Toronto Rapper P. Reign Pleads Not Guilty to Gun Charges

A Toronto rapper who has toured with global hip hop phenom Drake is hoping a judge will soon clear him of gun possession charges that have prevented him from travelling outside Canada.

Wearing a suit and tie — minus his signature large pendant — Raynford Humphrey, a.k.a. P. Reign, pleaded not guilty Monday to nine firearms-related offences in Ontario Superior Court.

His lawyer, Edward Greenspan, is asking the judge hearing the case without a jury to stay the charges on the grounds police committed numerous Charter violations after they stopped Humphrey driving his Cadillac CTS three years ago.

Humphrey’s brother Jason, who was in the back seat, and Raymond Powell, a passenger in the front, have pleaded guilty to possessing three semi-automatic pistols.

The location of the guns will be the “sole issue” at trial, Crown attorney Ryan Wilson told Justice Michael Code who is first hearing evidence on the Charter application.

Toronto police Const. Oliver Ho testified Monday that early March 8, 2008, he noticed a Cadillac stopped at a red light had an expired January 2008 validation sticker. Ho said he pulled it over as a “routine traffic stop” under the Highway Traffic Act.”

CLICK HERE for the full article.

Sounds like more of that usual Police DWB f-ckery. In my hood, indeed!

[Video] CNBC’s Larry Kudlow on the Japan Earthquake: “The human toll looks to be much worse than the economic toll & we can be grateful for that….”

Dude is just the worst! He tried to dial back this outrageously unfeeling comment on twitter but c’mon: you know know he said exactly what he meant.


Kudlow on the Federal budget deficit debate: “Government Shutdown? So What? It’s a minuscule price to be paid for financial solvency and economic growth.” [National Review]

Want even more of this idiot’s f-ckery? Hit the jump for another one of his greatest hits: blaming the financial crisis on the poor.

[via Vanity Fair]


[News] President Obama Tackles Libya, Japan, Budget Stalemate in Press Conference

Mark Shields and David Brooks on Obama’s Stance on Libya’s Revolt, Wisc. Union Fight:

Hit the jump for the full Presidential News Conference.


[News] The Arab League Calls for a No-Fly Zone Over Libya


The Arab League’s decision lays the groundwork for foreign powers to consider a no-fly zone over Libya. The league also reportedly decided to recognize a rebel council as the representative of the Libyan people.

The decision, announced on Egyptian state television, ends weeks of debate among Arab nations, overcoming widespread resistance to the idea of foreign intervention in an Arab member state.

Al Jazeera’s James Bays, reporting from the capital Cairo, puts the decision into perspective.

Read more via The New York Times.


Arab League approves no-fly zone in Libya. But is it too late? [Christian Science Monitor]

Debate continues at the United Nations over Libya no-fly zone:

[News] Japan Earthquake Upgraded to 9.0 Magnitude, Fears of Nuclear Meltdown Grow

CLICK HERE to read more.
[CBS News]

Support the Japan Earthquake Relief Effort via the Red Cross HERE.

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