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[Video] The Republican War On Working Families Promo

From the PCCC:

On MSNBC Wednesday night Rachel Maddow called our new TV ad against Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker “the most pointed, stand-with-the-people-who-work-for-a-living ad that we have seen for a very long time.” Ed Schultz announced, “Pro-working groups, they are fighting back!”

Lawrence O’Donnell said, “The ad is beautiful film making. I’m really quite struck by it.””

CLICK HERE to learn more and to help get this ad on the air in Wisconsin.

[Video] David Gregory interviews Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker on ‘Meet The Press’

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Read more….

Walker shows no sign of conceding in Wisconsin battle. [MSNBC.com]

In Indiana, Clues to Future of Wisconsin Labor. [New York Times]

– The GOP ‘bets future on Wisconsin.’ [Politico]

[News] Is the Arab Awkening from the Jasmine Revolution Heading South?

Here’s several articles that speculate on the possibility of these amazing people-powered revolutions spreading South into Sub-Saharan Africa.

The video above is unauthenticated but purports to show thugs sponsored by Paul Biya, Cameroon’s dictator for over 30 years, brutalizing Kah Walla, the country’s first-ever female presidential candidate, by being shot by a high pressure jet mixed with yet-to-be-determined chemicals from an unidentified vehicle. More on the video:

She sustained serious injuries and had to undergo treatment at a private clinic in the city of Douala on the Atlantic Coast.

Biya’s brutal and repressive regime routinely makes use of deadly force on unarmed civilians. It is not until now that the people of this oil-rich country have become aware of the power of social media like Facebook and Youtube that they feel empowered to stand up to Biya’s hired thugs.

Videos like this and more are sure to surface in the coming days, giving the world a glimpse of what it is like to live under a repressive regime in the 21st century. These thugs act in the exact same manner as Charles Taylor’s rebels did in the mid 90s in Liberia and Sierra Leone.”

Related reading:

Jasmine Revolution heading south? [FT.com’s beyondbrics blog]

– Philip Gourevitch: “Watching the uprisings and upheavals that have threatened entrenched regimes in North Africa and the Middle East in recent weeks, Africa hands have quietly wondered whether the trend might head south.” [New Yorker]

– Jennifer Wells: Young and restless: Africa at risk for upheaval [Toronto Star]

[PBS Newshour Video] In Libya, ‘People Are Willing to Die’ for Freedom From Gadhafi

This ‘Arab Awakening’ is so mind-blowing to me. It’s hard for me to stay excited about some regular-ass hip-hop sh-t in the face of historic events like these!


Gaddafi vows to crush protesters – “the Libyan leader speaks to supporters in the capital’s Green Square, saying he will arm people against protesters.” [Al-Jazeera]

Qaddafi Forces Violently Quell Capital Protest – “Rebels Resist as Libyan forces open fire in Tripoli….” [ New York Times]

The chilling transformation of Saif al-Islam Gaddafi: The new face of Libyan defiance – “Colonel Gaddafi’s son was educated in London and has friends in the City and Westminster. Or he did until last week….” [The Observer]

Hundreds of Thousands Protest Across Mideast. [New York Times]

[Video] Ad Company to Pull Race-Tinged NYC Anti-Abortion Billboard

Watch that video then read this for the background context:

A Manhattan billboard displayed over Sixth Avenue in SoHo has sparked an intense controversy, and displays yet another instance of racist tactics employed against a woman’s right to choose. The billboard shows an image of a young African-American girl; the text reads: “The most dangerous place for an African American is in the womb.” Below the text is a link to a website.

The group behind the billboard, Life Always, said that it was timed to coincide with Black History Month, and will be part of a nationwide campaign. On their website, they say that the campaign is designed to raise awareness about abortion’s impact on the “sustainability” of the African-American population. Their goal is “to expose the truth about how Planned Parenthood targets minority neighborhoods as they perform over 300,000 abortions a year.”

Read the full article HERE.

Are y’all f-cking KIDDING me?? Michel Faulkner, you and your Life Always group should be ashamed of yourselves for this noxious, racially-charged act of irresponsibility. *Smdh….*

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