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[Video] Unrest Continues to Build in Yemen!

Looks like this is a movie we will continue to see in other countries throughout the Middle East region. Things, unfortunately, will not go as ‘smoothly’ as they did in Egypt.

This video below purports to show Yemeni police shooting at reform protesters in Yemen:

[Video] Reports that Libyan Security Forces Crackdown on Reform Protesters with Heavy Fire

Deaths already top 100 or 200 depending on which news source you trust (Voice of America and Al Jazeera respectively in this case).

The video below purports to show video of those forces firing on protesters and someone who was actually shot to death:

[Video] Wisconsin GOP Tries Illegal Tactics To Pass Anti-Union Bill?

Read more at The Uptake.


For Wisconsin Governor, Battle Was Long Coming. [NY Times]

Wisconsin Doctors Tell Teachers: Call in Sick to Continue Protests. [ABC News]

[Video] Is the Pepsi MAX® ‘Love Hurts’ Super Bowl Ad Racist (or Sexist)?

Via TheLoop21.com:

Pepsi’s aptly title ‘Love Hurts’ commercial for Pepsi Max features a dark skinned black woman who keeps violently ‘touching’ her man in an extreme effort to control his diet, for his own good of course. The guy merely suffers the abuse as he is kicked (ha ha), shoved face down in a pie (ha ha ha) and slapped in the mouth with a bar of soap as he hides in the tub trying to eat an outlawed doughnut (ha ha ha ha). In the final sequence, the guy sits on a bench drinking a Pepsi Max on the sly when his all seeing woman appears and gives him a brief reprieve; Zero calorie Pepsi Max is on the allowable consumption list. Unfortunately, smiling goofily and dreamily at a random blond white woman isn’t so the black woman moves to strike him, misses, and knocks out the innocent white woman.”

Sorry, I know I’m late on this but I’ve had to watch most of the Super Bowl ads at the official Youtube channel or on Crash the Super Bowl because in Canada we actually didn’t see most of the Super Bowl ads in real time because, even if you watched the US feed of the game, they switched out the ads for Canadian ones and many of the brands did not buy time up here. That alone deserves a WTF??!, never mind this ad.

But as far as this ad goes, what y’all think?

[Video] Dick Cheney Called a War Criminal During his CPAC Appearance

But even crazier, someone’s response is, “He must be a Canadian! Like Canada hasn’t been one of the US’s longest-running allies in these two mishandled wars. WTF??!

[via TPM]

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