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[News] Mubarak Unleashes his Supporters Goons on the Streets of Cairo

The revolution in Egypt has been an impressive display of grassroots, non-violent protest, with even the army pledging to not turn their arms on their own people to quell the uprising, until a couple days ago when Mubarak I guess had had enough and decided to take matters into his own hands, no matter how it played in the international media. (Actually he had a strategy for dealing with that pesky issue too! Stay tuned for the next post….)

Below: more video of fierce clashes as pro-govt ‘supporters’ attack anti-Mubarak protesters in Egypt:

[Video] Sarah Palin Speaking at the Reagan Centennial

This video tagged Palin as looking ‘Presidential’ on youtube! WTF??! I couldn’t even get 2 minutes in w/o becoming outraged as the misspeaks and outright falsehood she was peddling. That being said, I’d love her to run against Obama in 2012. The comedy factor alone would make it worth it but don’t get it twisted: between the simple-mindedness of many Americans and complicity of the US media in misleading them, I wouldn’t underestimate her ability to actually become a viable and competitive candidate! As for this event, it was celebrating the fact that, had he been alive, Reagan would have turned 100 this past week. Cue much Rose-tinted glass nostalgia in conservative (and even beyond) circles. I guess I would have to beg to differ!


Palin: America out of step with Reagan’s values. [Boston Globe]

[News] Ohio Woman Jailed for Sending her Kids to a Better School!

This story is from a little while ago but I had to post it still. This is f-cking outrageous:

If you lived in a crime-ridden neighborhood where your home was broken into a dozen times and the school your children were zoned to was low-performing, wouldn’t you take drastic measures to ensure they got a quality education?

That’s exactly what Kelley Williams-Bolar did, pulling her 12- and 16-year-old daughters out of the decrepit school they attended in Akron, Ohio, and enrolling them in a suburban district where her father lived.

Williams-Bolar used her father’s address, where she alleges she lived part-time. Yet the Copely-Fairlawn School District felt she was lying about being a resident, and hired a private eye to follow her, videotaping Williams-Bolar leaving her public housing home and dropping her children off at the suburban school.

They confronted Williams-Bolar, demanded that she repay the district $30,000, saying she didn’t have the right to have her daughters in the district since she wasn’t a taxpayer.

When she refused, Williams-Bolar was indicted on two felony charges, found guilty and sentenced to 10 days in prison. Because of the felonies on her record, the aspiring schoolteacher will never be able to enter the classroom.

Click HERE to read the rest of the article.


Read more via WEWS NewsChannel5 Cleveland.

[via the homie, Rene]

[News] Updates and President Obama on the Transition in Egypt (Video)

Is me posting this video of Obama speaking on the Egyptian revolution an example of the US-centrism that Anil Dash tweeted about yesterday? That being said, see more on Obama saying Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak must step down now and not try and run out the clock ’til scheduled elections in September and this….

– Laura Rozen: Cairo clashes: What should Obama do now? [Politico]

Read more….

For Egypt’s leader, the end is near. [The Miami Herald]

Protesters reject Mubarak speech. [BBC News]

Revolt inspires unrest throughout Arab world. [The Seattle Times]

The King of Jordan is shook, at least (hit the jump). But Israel still thinks it’s all about them! The Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin however, begs to differ….

Also after the jump:


[News] Canadians Face Evacuation Shakedown in Cairo!

Via The Toronto Star:

First, they had unbelievable luck. Amid cancelled international flights and chaos in the streets, about 200 Canadian passengers made it past the desperate hordes at Cairo airport to board a Canadian-chartered flight out.

Then, the shakedown. Egyptian airport officials demanded cash — $2,000 from passengers, which they quickly collected on board — before the plane would be allowed to take off. That was on top of the “roughly $400” the Conservative government intends to charge them for passage to the “safe haven” cities of London, Paris or Frankfurt.

Canadian evacuees will then have to pay their way home from those locations, but the government promises to help with the bookings. It’s the first time ever in a rescue effort the government is charging to recover costs for evacuation flights.

In Ottawa, the government denied its Egyptian rescue effort was in disarray even as the Canadians were hit up for extravagant “departure” fees, could not reach embassy personnel by phone, and said Ottawa’s emergency voice mailbox was full. When word reached Ottawa about the runway cash demands, Canadian officials made an angry call to Egypt’s ambassador.

Canadian officials raised “concerns . . . about additional fees charged to release the plane” — fees the government was told were charged “for luggage” handling, said Melissa Lantsman, communications director for Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon.”

CLICK HERE to read the full article.

First off, why wasn’t someone from the Canadian embassy there to make sure the evacuation of its citizen went smoothly??! Smdh! Yet more proof that Canada does not know how to look after its own citizens. Just ask Maher Arar, Suaad Hagi Mohamud, Abousfian Abdelrazik and Omar Khadr. Hmm… what do all of those people seem to have in common??

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