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Video: Former Haitian leader Jean-Claude ‘Baby Doc’ Duvalier Questioned by Authorities

The video doesn’t get into it but it looks like he’s gonna face charges too!

Read more: The New York Times | The Washington Post | NPR

President Obama: ‘Before We are Democrats or Republicans, We are Americans’

Apropos in the aftermath of the Tuscon shooting tragedy and on this Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday.

Related from The White House Blog:

Celebrating MLK Day with City Year

Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King’s Life and Legacy.

Today, President Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama and other Administration officials will honor Dr. Martin Luther King by participating in a National Day of Service.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Servicewebsite | twitter | facebook

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Would Probabaly Be Part of the Anti-War Movement Today!

Martin Luther King Jr gave this sermon at the Ebenezer Baptist Church on April 30, 1967. [note: As part of the process of creating imagery for this video, the speech was edited for length. The whole speech is reprinted HERE. Sections in bold were omitted in the video.]

As The Real News urges, once you’ve watched the video, read the speech in its entirety.

Prof. Jared Ball on the Distortion and Re-Imaging of Martin Luther King, Jr. on The Real News

It wasn’t all about the “I have a dream…” speech segment you’ve probably heard repeatedly over the years. He also had a dream that economic exploitation and militarism would be eradicated too!

[via The RealNews.com]

Jean-Claude ‘Baby Doc’ Duvalier Returns to Haiti After Exile

As if Haiti hasn’t already gone through enough! *Smdh….*


Catherine Porter says: Baby Doc’s return bodes ill for Haiti. [Toronto Star]

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