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Michael Steele Withdraws from RNC Chairmanship Race

Seriously, I’m gonna miss that guy. Just for the comedy factor alone!

Read more via The Root.

Racists Totally Freak Out Over Muslim ‘Batman of Paris’

Another day, another racist freakout over non-white superheroes. But unlike the hilariously dishonest racism we saw when the Council of Conservative Citizens called for a boycott of Marvel’s Thor movie on account of a mythical Norse god’s depiction as a black man, a recent round of conservative attacks on Nightrunner — DC’s Muslim Batman of Paris — are prejudicial in a more insidious way. While the CCC put forth a laughably tenuous justification for their outrage, it was with respect to one specific character in one specific context. The argument against Nightrunner, led by conservative blogger Warner Todd Huston, is based on the bigoted belief that a Muslim superhero is by definition an exercise in deceitful political correctness, and that Muslims are natively evil.

Introduced in this month’s Detective Comics Annual #12 and Batman Annual #28, Nightrunner is a 22-year-old Algerian Muslim who’s lived in Paris his entire life (it seems reasonable to assume he was born in France, but at the very least he was raised there). Born Billai Asseiah, the character is uncommonly adept at the highly YouTubeable gymnastic form known as parkour. That and Asseiah’s sense of justice make him an ideal recruit for Bruce Wayne’s new Batman, Inc. initiative, whereby he franchises Batmen to cities all over the world.

Huston views French Muslims — which is to say, immigrants or those descended from immigrants — as inauthentically French, and, as such, that Batman would choose a Muslim as Paris’ champion is gravely offensive to him and his loathsome ilk….”

CLICK HERE to read the full article.

AP Video: Judge Sentences Tom DeLay to 3 Years in Prison for Role in Political Money Laundering Scheme

A judge ordered former U.S. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay to serve three years in prison Monday for his role in a scheme to illegally funnel corporate money to Texas candidates in 2002.”

CLICK HERE to read more.

Sh-t is WILD for the Night in Tunisia Right Now!

Hamada Ben Amor, aka ‘The General (El Général)’ is the Tunisian rapper mentioned in the news piece above in case you didn’t catch it.

Read more:

Protests Spread to Tunisia’s Capital, and a Curfew Is Decreed. [NY Times]

Crisis Deepens in Tunisia as President’s Offer Falls Flat. [NY Times]

Behind Tunisia Unrest, Rage Over Wealth of Ruling Family. [NY Times]

Tunisians Document Protests Online. [NY Times]

– Tunisian rapper arrested after releasing online protest song: CBC | Al Arabiya

Hit the jump for more video of the protests and a video for the song, “President, Your People Are Dying” by El Général that got him arrested :


Video: President Obama’s Address at the Tuscon Memorial Service

CLICK HERE for more.

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