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House Suspends Vote on Health Care Repeal After Giffords Shooting

Read more HERE. [HuffPost]

Should Sarah Palin Be Held Responsible for the Gabrielle Giffords Shooting Tragedy?

If you saw this tweet (above) last March and followed Palin’s exhortation to go to her Facebook page, this (below) is what you would have seen there until it was taken down today for some odd reason:

When are we gonna start considering the extremists in the Tea Party the insurrectionists and domestic terrorists that they truly are. We were already warned very clearly before this tragedy occurred.


Sarah Palin Criticized Over Gabrielle Giffords Presence on “Target List.” [CBS News]

Is Palin’s “Crosshairs” Map Relevant? Giffords Thought So. [HuffPost]

Bloodshed Puts New Focus on Vitriol in Politics. [The New York Times]

Sarah Palin Issues Statement On “The Tragedy In Arizona.” :/ [via Facebook]

[graphic via HuffPost / Tweet via The Maddow Blog]

BREAKING NEWS: Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) and Others Shot in Lone Gunman Attack!

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) has been shot in the head while at a constituency appearance this morning in the parking lot of a Tuscon supermarket and is currently in critical condition. One of her Aides, a Federal Judge, a young child and at least two others are all dead. Noteworthy is the fact that Giffords’ office was one of many attacked during the contentious healthcare reform negotiations last year.

Jared Lee Loughner, 22 has been identified as the shooter. He seems like a f-cking lunatic The New York Post asked her father, Spencer Giffords if Ms. Giffords had any enemies as he headed to the hospital to see her. “Yeah,” He replied. “The whole tea party.” [via The National Post]

Read more via The New York Times: article | Live Blog


Last March, Rep. Giffords discussed being on Sarah Palin’s ‘targeted list.’ [Americablog]

– President Obama speaks on the shooting:

Read more from Whitehouse.gov HERE.


One word in Mark Twain’s Huckeberry Finn is at least one syllable too long for our modern times!

I was musing on twitter yesterday that I wasn’t sure I was down with this edited censored version of Huck Finn that’s about to be released. What do y’all think though?

MP3: Eminem – Syllables feat. Jay-Z, 50 Cent, Dr. Dre, Stat Quo & Ca$his by Oncle BK

Read more:

– Dr. Alan Gribben explains why he chose to create this edited version of Huckleberry Finn by editing out the word “n*gger” and the name, “Injun Joe” (?!) in an excerpt from its introduction.

– Film critic, Roger Ebert has twitter going NUTS after tweeting “I’d rather be called a N***** than a Slave.” For the record I think I agree with him! [The Grio]

– Earl Ofari Hutchinson on Why the n-word should stay in Huck Finn. [The Grio]

– Mark Anthony Neal says Don’t Take The ‘Ni**er Jim’ Out My Story. [The Loop21]


Earl Ofari Hutchinson speaks on the controversy on MSNBC (although this player won’t play in Canada so I don’t know what he said).

Thought for the Day: Are the US and Western Europe in ‘Decline’?

This super-cool BBC video titled, ‘200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 Minutes – The Joy of Stats’ featuring Dr. Hans Rosling explains part of why people say that but a great Op-Ed in the Toronto Star by US Naval War College professor, Tom Nichols, explains why the rumors of America’s decline might be greatly exaggerated (or is he merely indulging in some very wishful thinking??)

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