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This category contains 250 posts

2011: Let the Republican F-ckery Begin!

Let’s just see how much stomach the GOP really has to deal with America’s debt problem though!

Video: Mr. Ed Lover – C’mon Son 2010: The Year in Review!

On my word, I never even heard of half of these cats! Gives me hope that maybe I’m not on the internet as much as I fear I am….

[via Khal]

Videos: Politico’s 2010 Year in Review and Most Memorable Moments

Read more:

CLICK HERE for the article ‘The 10 worst decisions of 2010.’

Toronto’s ‘Cashman’ Decries the Violence Plauging the Local Gold Business

If you live in Toronto and have a TV you no doubt have seen the cheesy but funny ads for Russell ‘The Cashman’ Oliver’s Jewelry buying business like the classic new wave-inspired one above. Who knew the Toronto cash-for-gold industry had become riddled with violence including incidents of arson and alleged murder-for-hire plots though? Crazy!

President Obama Stays Winning Even in the ‘Lame-Duck’ Aftermath of Midterm Election Defeat

In the PBS video above President Obama speak on Congress’s Bipartisan Accomplishments and how US federal government is ‘Not Doomed to Endless Gridlock.’


Obama emerges from defeat with a taste of victory. [Los Angeles Times]

A New Chance for Bipartisanship, All Posturing Aside. [New York Times]

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