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Preview of World Cup 2018: Russia – White Supremacy Reigns Supreme Over Nearly Everyone!

Like I just said….

Moscow riots expose racism at the heart of Russian football – “links between neo-Nazis and fans are growing as the country gears up for the 2018 World Cup.” [The Guardian]

Moscow Braces For New Race Riots. [Radio Free Europe]

Moscow Police Arrest 500 to Deter Protests. [New York Times]

Can’t believe these clowns won the right to host the 2018 World Cup. Hit the jump for the Russia Today take which downplays the racism element of the story until the 3:40 mark in the first video and a second video titled, ‘Racist aspect of football riots in Moscow overblown.’


MUST WATCH Video: More Riots in Greece in Protest of Government Austerity Measures There

White riot, I wanna riot….”

All jokes aside though, sh-t looks SUPER-loony tunes over there. Just look at that video!

Hundreds of protesters clashed with riot police across central Athens on Wednesday, smashing cars and hurling gasoline bombs during a nationwide labour protest against the government’s latest austerity measures. The former Development Minister Costis Hatzidakis was attacked by protesters outside a luxury hotel. He was escorted, bleeding from the scene as his attackers yelled “thieves” at him.”

Read more via The Wall Street Journal.

So the other day I asked where else there were ongoing riots besides the UK and Italy. Now I (and you) know. Anyone else feel like this is a harbinger of much worse to come?

US Government Sues BP and Others Over the Deepwater Horizon Gulf Oil Spill


U.S. sues BP and eight others for Gulf spill damage. [USA Today]

CBS News’ take with Katie Couric and Jan Crawford.

Immigration Reform Deferred Yet Again – The DREAM Act Dies in the Senate –

So Latinos are less important than gays is one way to look at this sad news, maybe?

The weeks of rallies, hunger strikes and sit-ins and the thousands of phone calls placed to Senate offices didn’t pay off for immigration activists.

The decade-old DREAM Act once again failed to break a filibuster in the Senate on Saturday morning, effectively killing the bill this year and shutting the door on what perhaps was the last chance for pro-immigration reform legislation until at least the 2012 election.

Senate Democrats came up five votes short of the 60 needed to advance the House-passed bill, which would provide a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants brought to the country as children if they attend college or join the military for two years.

The 55-41 vote was mostly along party lines, though a handful of Democrats — perhaps fearful of their 2012 election outlook — also voted against the DREAM Act.”

Read the full article at Politico.

Was Fox News pieces like this, “DREAM Act or Nightmare?” part of the reason?


President Obama on the DREAM Act: “My Administration Will Not Give Up” [The White House Blog]

‘This is racism pure and simple’ – Report shows racism in Montreal police ranks

This is from the end of September but I forgot to post it then and just came across the bookmark last night so….

For the second time in as many months, a damning internal report has outlined the breakdown of policing in Montreal’s most troubled neighbourhood, going so far as to accuse officers of “racism.”

The Montreal Police Service had intended to keep the newest report secret and the city is facing accusations that it was trying to suppress the study.

But the coroner heading up the ongoing inquest into the death of 18-year-old Fredy Villanueva is weighing whether to allow it into evidence, something the police union and city oppose.

Read the full article from the Toronto Star.

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