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President Obama to Appear on CBS’s 60 Minutes TONIGHT!

After this Vick-Manning Eagles vs. Colts face-off ends. Above is a preview clip of the president talking with Steve Kroft about the midterm election rhetoric and meeting his own and his supporters’ expectations.

Then hit the jump to see a clips of him discussing whether he’d be open to negotiating with (likely future Speaker) Rep. John Boehner over extending the Bush Tax Cuts and his view on whether the Democratic midterm defeats are a reflection on his leadership. (more…)

George W. Bush praises President Obama’s Afghanistan surge in his Upcoming Decision Points Memoir

I don’t know if I should be mad about this or not:

In his memoir, George W. Bush praises President Barack Obama’s decision to escalate the war in Afghanistan.

“I strongly believe the mission is worth the cost,” Bush wrote in “Decision Points,” which comes out Tuesday. “Fortunately, I am not the only one.”

He expresses gratitude that Obama “stood up to critics by deploying more troops, announcing a new commitment to counterinsurgency in Afghanistan, and increasing the pressure on Pakistan to fight the extremists in the tribal areas.””

I’m reading Jonathan Altar’s The Promise about Obama’s first year in office right now and, even though I think Afghanistan was initially a just war that slowly morphed into a clusterf-ck that now can’t be won, reading some more background on it in the book has made me rethink that position. I was a mouthy bastard with my anti-Bush/anti-war vitriol on the old blog back when he was still in office and both wars were jumping off. Now I don’t know any more….

Hit the jump to watch a video of GWB promoting Decision Points: (more…)

Video: Tea Party Politicians Rand Paul & Jim DeMint Vague on How to Cut the Federal Budget

I really want to see how they think they can pull this off. They’re like Rob Ford, the Toronto mayoral election winner – they think cutting government employee rolls and wages is enough to put a dent in the government debts levels. And BTW: for all his talk about a broken (and broke) city in Toronto, the municipal government here actually ran a surplus this year!

[via HuffPost]

Opened this weekend: Client 9: The Rise and Fall of Eliot Spitzer (Official Trailer)

What’s up with that bootleg-sounding wannabe “Empire State of Mind” track in the sound bed though?

Hit the jump for a longer in-depth look at Client 9: The Rise and Fall of Eliot Spitzer via The Documentary Channel.

Cast: Eliot Spitzer
Genre: Documentary
Director: Alex Gibney
Writer: Alex Gibney


Video: How Vinyl Records Are Made

Shot by Nick Cavalier.

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