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This category contains 250 posts

Music Video: General Steele – We On The Move

[via Greenhitz.com]

Why Rhymefest Is Running For Alderman on the Chicago City Council

I posted the original video about the news announcement earlier in the week. Now comes a more detailed explanation by Rhymefest as to why he’s running.

Hit the jump to read it and also his explanation as to what it means to hip hop for what is supposedly the first rapper to run for city council anywhere in the US and for a gallery of ‘Fest’s official campaign publicity pics. (more…)

Video of Jon Stewart at the Rally to Restore Sanity: “(These Are) Hard Times, Not End Times…”



Rally to Restore Sanity | And/or Fear?

Video: Matt Damon’s 40th Birthday Wish…

On behalf of the NY Working Families. Seriously, those of you who can vote next Tuesday – it’s worth it to heed Matty’s directive to vote the Working Families Party line just to see him put on that Yankees cap!

Video: President Obama Appears with Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Barack Obama Pt. 1
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Rally to Restore Sanity

Unfortunately, I missed this ‘cos I was out! Gotta check this out myself when I have a chance.

CLICK HERE for the full episode [but CLICK HERE if you’re Canadian].

Hit the jump for an AP video on the ‘mystery’ behind Jon Stewart’s Rally to Restore Sanity. (more…)

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