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This category contains 63 posts

[Promo Video] TRD (Tobacco Related Deaths) PSA

“Mo Iqbal, explores the negative practices in the marketing of cigarettes and the depiction of smoking in the media in his film TRD (Tobacco Related Deaths), starring actor, Matt Littler, actress Carly Stenson, as well as singer, Natasha Hamilton.”

[this is a PPC thing courtesy Goviral network and Smoke & Mirrors]

[Promo Video] The Machine (PSA)

“The Machine, written by student, Michael, emphasizes just how powerful bright vending machines can be in attracting young people to purchase cigarettes and other tobacco related products.”

[this is a PPC thing courtesy Goviral network and Smoke & Mirrors]

[Promo Video] Trailer for the Movie Don’t Fall For It

Joe Washington’s film, Don’t Fall For It highlights how the tobacco industry targets potential new smokers and creates a rallying cry for young people to take a stand against the tobacco industry.”

[this is a PPC thing]

[Video] Promo Spot for the BlackBerry Diplo App

Diplo: “One cool thing about the BlackBerry Torch is that you can actually make applications out of some of your favorite websites. So I have like the Mad Decent website always on my front page.”

[this is a PPC thing]

[Video] Promo Trailer for Nintendo’s Real 3D Gaming

The future is here! Nintendo’s Real 3D gaming: anywhere you want to play, no glasses required. For more information go to – www.facebook.com/nintendo3dsuk.”


#DK11: The album, This One Goes To Eleven… OUT NOW

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