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[Event] In Toronto Sunday July 10: Celebrate My Birthday at the Ultra-Chill Rooftop Patio Party

The ‘kid’ celebrates another year of the gift of life and I’m doing it by posting up at ULTRA-CHILL aka the best rooftop patio party in Toronto and the closest thing I’ve found yet to some ole’ Ft. Green, Brooklyn vibes back in my home town. Beautiful spot, beautiful people watching, GREAT music by the homies, PauL E. Lopes and Mike Tull, celebrate my birthday? How can you say no??!

If I know you personally, you read this blog and you’re in town, I expect you to swing by even if it’s just to bump fists, wish me a quick happy birthday then bounce to your other obligations. We’ll be rockin’ the full six hours of the party from 3-9pm so there’s no excuses if you’re around.

CLICK HERE for more details on my party. Or CLICK HERE for the Facebook link to the regular event.


3 Responses to “[Event] In Toronto Sunday July 10: Celebrate My Birthday at the Ultra-Chill Rooftop Patio Party”

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