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[Event] This Thursday in Toronto: The Ultimate MC Finale feat. Pharoahe Monch at Opera House

I’m probably going to be at this. Fellow T.dot heads: will you? Shout to the kid, Click on the heads up.

For many people — especially young adults — music represents the very cornerstone of their identity. A person’s taste in music directly impacts everything about them, from what they wear to who they’re friends with. Music is as much a part of their life as food or air. And when their musical preferences include Hip Hop, this is doubly true. For these fans, Hip Hop is life.

Ultimate MC is a 12-part documentary series focused on the booming world of Hip Hop has been airing this year on AUX TV. Each one-hour episode of Ultimate MC celebrates Canadian Hip Hop culture and the history of the thriving community across Canada.

The series has followed 32 competitors as they compete in the 2011 National MC Battle tournament. Ul-timate MC has showcased the influential artists, styles and history that have impacted all of the competitors — and celebrates not only the past, but shines a spotlight on the future of Canadian Hip Hop.

The series will be culminating in the The Ultimate MC finale, taking place on Thursday September 15 at The Opera House in Toronto. Eight of the top MCs will Battle to be crowned Ultimate MC.

Legendary Hip Hop MC Pharoahe Monch will be appearing for a full concert performance and will be a special guest judge for the battle. Other guest judges will be Canadian MC’s D-Sisive and JD-Era.

MC’s battling are Charron (Toronto), Q (Toronto), Rome Angel (Edmonton), L-Rev (Lethbridge), Scynikal (Montreal), Fresco (Chicago), Aspire (Vancouver), and Spyte (Vancouver).

Advance tickets $18.00 + S/C available online Ticketmaster.ca, UnionEvents.com, charge by phone 416-870-8000, Rotate This, Soundscapes & Play De Record or BUY THEM HERE


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