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[Event] TONIGHT in Toronto: Bump N Hustle with DJs Paul E. Lopes and Mike Tull

Toronto’s longest running club night – find out why!


Saturday, April 14, 2012
At the Rivoli (UPSTAIRS): 334 Queen Street West

with DJs
Paul E. Lopes and Mike Tull
hosted by Carlos (Hot Stepper)

Rollin out the soul, disco, house, funk, proper hip hop and reggae, afro, latin, jazzbump and flavour of the month joints that make sense

Please arrive early to avoid disappointment doors open at 10:00 and hear music like this:

CLICK HERE for more info.


5 Responses to “[Event] TONIGHT in Toronto: Bump N Hustle with DJs Paul E. Lopes and Mike Tull”

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