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[FREE MP3] Apollo Brown & Guilty Simpson feat. Planet Asia – Nasty


FIYA hip hop! Check the science….


Carhartts, boots, bleak weather, and a cold “Nasty” banger featuring Planet Asia.  
Apollo Brown chops a fiery gospel organ into an incendiary track that pulses with life. Guilty wastes no time turning into a microphone bully, showing just why he considers himself as nasty as black licorice. Cocky, brazen and above all ill, Apollo and Guilty are deadly enough as a duo but on this track they enlist their Left Coast brethren, Planet Asia, for a few bars of that west side grime. Fresno’s finest catches Guilty’s lob and slam-dunks his verse.
Now that Dice Game has rolled out it’s looking like snake eyes for the lames and a cool seven for our Motor City champs.


BUY Apollo Brown & Guilty Simpson – Dice Game: iTunes  |  CD  |  Vinyl


[via DK Tumblr]


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