From the new mixtape she just dropped, Audrey Hepburn: An Audiovisual Presentation. This is a bit of a different sound for Ms. Michele who always came across as a more hip-hop-esque, baby Jill Scott to my ears. If you dig what you hear though, listen to the full mixtape at the Different Kitchen Facebook page HERE.
彈潤植萃美唇油-克蘭詩 – Clarins 克蘭詩推出的彈潤植萃美唇油,幫你打造一吻傾心的美唇。
【生活分享】Q’her植感山茶花套組禮盒; 1+1植感保濕洗卸慕斯x植感粉嫩素顏霜, 讓我輕鬆當個懶美人~ – 喬媽咪的分享日記 – FashionGuide 華人時尚專業評鑑 最近超愛用洗卸合一的潔顏品,一次就清潔溜溜真的超方便!,平常雖沒化什麼妝但基本的粉底與隔離還是有的,加上現在空氣品質真的太差太差了,所以每天的清潔工作不能馬虎…,
Charlie Adam has won his battle with Blackpool over an unpaid £20,000 bonus. But the Premier League ruled that the dispute did not amount to a breach of the player’s contract. Charlie Adam wins £20,000 bonus dispute – but midfielder can’t walk out on Blackpool contract