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[MP3] DJ Premier & Bumpy Knuckles feat. Nas – Turn Up The Mic (Remix)

Download: DJ Premier & Bumpy Knuckles feat. Nas – Turn Up The Mic (Remix)

One of the many, many great tracks from the DJ Premier & Bumpy Knuckles (Freddie Foxxx) album, KoleXXXion. I discovered this album on Rdio. Have to admit my expectations were not high for it but while yes, this album was some throwback, trad. style, 90’s boom bap with a good dose of mad rapper lyrical content, the album was actually really great. Don’t believe me, check out a preview of it below (full tracks will play for Rdio subscribers) and try to tell me I’m wrong.


3 Responses to “[MP3] DJ Premier & Bumpy Knuckles feat. Nas – Turn Up The Mic (Remix)”

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