New from @kardinalo and @nottzraw. Won’t lie: I’m a sucker for records that incorporate gun shots into their beat, Kardi‘s my dude and, even though I came to it way late, I love the Nottz album, so this was an automatic post for me!
New from @kardinalo and @nottzraw. Won’t lie: I’m a sucker for records that incorporate gun shots into their beat, Kardi‘s my dude and, even though I came to it way late, I love the Nottz album, so this was an automatic post for me!
Fresh 玫瑰保濕面膜 15 周年限定版 Fresh 的玫瑰保濕面膜,今年面世 15 周年,品牌請來曾跟 Louis Vuitton、Jimmy Choo 及 Lady Gaga 合作過的英國插畫家 Jo Ratcliffe 為產品重新設計包裝,重新演繹主角級成分玫瑰的千姿百魅,同時令產品綻放濃濃的存在感,瓶身美得像件家品,用光後又怎捨得掉棄?這亦正中品牌創辦人結合美容與生活的意念!Jo Ratcliffe 以印度油彩及亞加力油彩,加上水粉彩的筆跡,抽象又富動感。畫功見真章外,內裏的成分亦真材實料,純淨玫瑰水有爽膚功效,而真玫瑰花瓣更會滲入皮膚,
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After Rangers clinched promotion to the Scottish Premiership with victory over Dumbarton on Tuesday, we takes a look at back at the men who made for the exits in 2012 and where they ended up. Rangers are back in the Premiership after four-year absence, but what happened to those who jumped ship in 2012?
Arsene Wenger is again likely to select a strong squad for tomorrow night’s Carling Cup fourth-round trip to Newcastle. Nicklas Bendtner and Theo Walcott are both fit following injury and could feature. Newcastle v ARSENAL: Gunners duo Nicklas Bendtner and Theo Walcott set to feature against Newcastle