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[MP3] Michael Jackson & Justin Timberlake – Love Never Felt So Good


When this track leaked last week, I said at the time, “I can’t decide if I think this is great or an absolute travesty!”

I liked the track because it seemed to hew closely to the spirit of Off The Wall which is the era of Michael Jackson solo stuff I probably like the most, but adding Justin Timberlake??! While I get it (kind of), I feel like he is not worthy to be on a track with Michael. Honestly, he’s not fit to shine Michael’s shiny black loafers IMHO. But then again, few are. The good news is that you apparently get to hear the original demo version without Timberlake on the forthcoming Xscape album if you’re a bit of a purist like me. The new version’s production is not bad though.

Speaking of which, been hearing good things about the Xscape album and how L.A. Reid really took pains to take all the left-over pieces of vocals & demo tracks they used to construct the songs for the album to create songs that sound like classic Michael Jackson instead of trying to shoehorn them into a 2014 sound or production template. Glad to hear that and looking forward to hearing how the whole thing sounds.


3 Responses to “[MP3] Michael Jackson & Justin Timberlake – Love Never Felt So Good”

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