Stephen Carr is set to sign a new two-year contract with Birmingham City. The former Republic of Ireland international had failed to agree terms earlier this summer. Stephen Carr to commit to Birmingham by signing two-year deal at St Andrews
Holland skipper and former Rangers ace Giovanni van Bronckhorst admits ending Scotland’s dreams of reaching the 2010 World Cup finals left him with a bitter-sweet feeling. Former Rangers star Giovanni van Bronckhorst feels sorry for ending Scotland’s World Cup dream
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Stephen Carr is set to sign a new two-year contract with Birmingham City. The former Republic of Ireland international had failed to agree terms earlier this summer. Stephen Carr to commit to Birmingham by signing two-year deal at St Andrews
Holland skipper and former Rangers ace Giovanni van Bronckhorst admits ending Scotland’s dreams of reaching the 2010 World Cup finals left him with a bitter-sweet feeling. Former Rangers star Giovanni van Bronckhorst feels sorry for ending Scotland’s World Cup dream