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[MP3] Spek Won Feat. Dey, Leisha Cameron, Adria Kain & Boko Maru – Good Weed Good Wine

Spek Won, Dey, Leisha Cameron, Adria Kain, Boko Maru - GOOD WEED GOOD WINE artwork

Rexdale to Brick Lane…” – I can relate!

“Girl From Ipanema” vibes. Can’t ever go wrong with that! This would have been a perfect track to post over the long weekend or for one of my Sunday series of soul, jazz and reggae posts but this latest joint from Toronto’s Spek Won has already been out almost three weeks so better to post sooner than later even though I vowed a long time ago that I wasn’t going to be beholden to blog time constraints and the all-new-everything treadmill that this here internets has damn near everybody running stupidly on. Good music will always have its time and find its audience regardless, just like good weed and good wine! (See what I just did there?!)


4 Responses to “[MP3] Spek Won Feat. Dey, Leisha Cameron, Adria Kain & Boko Maru – Good Weed Good Wine”

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