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[MP3] Steve Aoki, Chris Lake, Tujamo – Boneless (Keys N Krates Remix)

New ‘trap’-style banger from them Keys N Krates boys. Nice!

Previously on The Kitchen:

Keys N KratesDum Dee Dum [MP3]

Keys N KratesTreat Me Right (Grandtheft Remix) [MP3]

Felix Cartal & AutoerotiqueAlarm (Keys N Krates Remix) [MP3]


4 Responses to “[MP3] Steve Aoki, Chris Lake, Tujamo – Boneless (Keys N Krates Remix)”

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  1. […] Keys N Krates off their just-released SOLOW EP on Dim Mak records. Banger ish fa’ sho (as if you didn’t already […]

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