First is “Hells Kitchen” featuring J. Cole & Bas on which Cole sounds amazing!
This all-star “Never Surrender” track featuring Scarface, Jadakiss, Meek Mill, Akon, John Legend & Anthony Hamilton is cool but I am less enamored of truth be told though….
Hit the jump for a pic of Khaled’s Suffering From Success tour bus just because…. (courtesy the homie, Catchdubs). Suffering From Success album in stores this Tuesday (10.22.13)
還在用容易浮粉的粉底棒修飾腮幫子?淨妍醫美 臉上的膠原蛋白會隨年紀就開始急速流失,愛美民眾為了減齡,常常受到親友推薦,常使用宣稱有「膠原蛋白」增生效用的內服外敷產品,但其功效卻被食藥署打臉,這類產品作用其實十分有限。淨妍醫美集團蔡坤原醫師解釋,膠原蛋白合成其實是非常複雜的過程,最有效的補充方式應是以針劑注射的方式,直接施打到人體內,建議民眾平常應養成良好生活作息,以減緩膠原蛋白流失的速度。
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Portuguese midfielder Tiago Mendes has re-signed with Spanish champions Atletico Madrid for another two years, ending speculation he could return to Chelsea and the Barclays Premier League. Tiago Mendes extends Atletico Madrid stay despite being linked with Chelsea return
You need a hook in modern football. In order to attract new fans, if you are not an established Premier League force, it is no longer enough to win games and hope for the best. Bristol City have gained fame and fans from their brilliant goal celebration GIFs on Twitter… so how will they mark scoring against Manchester United?