Oh my lawd, this video might just completely overshadow this very odd but very cool cover of the Roberta Flack standard, “The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face” by oddball, Oklahoma City-based (go Thunder!) alternative rock group, The Flaming Lips and the equally oddball soul singer, Erykah Badu. I know the nude shots are actually of Badu’s sister, Nayrock but, after her last controversial video, “Window Seat”, this is just further evidence and reinforcement to me of why Common, 3-Stacks and Jay Elec got so sprung on Erykah and wifed her up.
While we’re on the subject though…
For my T.dot (Toronto/GTA) heads, you can see The Flaming Lips perform for FREE on June 16 down at Yonge-Dundas Sq. during NXNE as presented by AOL-Spinner. BTW: wanna win tickets for NXNE courtesy AOL-Spinner? CLICK HERE.
Not enough for you? Hit the jump for another Lips-Badu collab, “Now I Understand” also featuring Siri and allegedly, Biz Markie (where??!).
[via Spinner.com]
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Atletico Madrid coach Diego Simeone has urged his team to put aside all thoughts of the Champions League final as they look to move a step closer to securing the Primera Division title this weekend. Diego Simeone says Atletico Madrid must ignore the Champions League final until they secure the Spanish league title