MP3 Download: Theo Martins – “Final Fantasy” ft. Starf cker by user5330332
Theo Martins is quickly becoming one of my favorite new hip-hop discoveries. Here he is on the inspiration behind this new visual:
“I wanted this video to visually represent what the song ‘Final Fantasy’ is about, which is the idea of fulfilling your dreams. So we cooked up some stop motion sequences from footage and images taken on this wild journey of mine and set them against a backdrop of dreams happening where they typically happen— during sleep. It was a super fun video to shoot and I hope people enjoy it. I think it represents a lot of the weird things that go on in this crazy brain of mine.”
The video was directed by Albert Huerta and CPA, the team behind Theo’s “Power” Dance remix video last August.
Theo Martins’ Sincerely Yours, The Dance Floor, project drops this Thursday (March 10th), ‘exclusively’ on
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