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[Music Video] Watoto From The Nile – Letter to Lil Wayne

“Letter to Lil Wayne” is a direct statement of justice from Watoto From The Nile. Growing tired and fed up with the constant degradation of Black women inside of Hip Hop music, they voice thier views and opinions on this melodic track.

I’m down with the sentiment and maybe at the end of the day it doesn’t matter but, not to be ageist (or sexist), I’m pretty sure the young ladies (apparently 10, 9 and 5 years old!) in this group, Watoto From The Nile didn’t write most (if any) of the lyrics in this song. Plus, I get it: go after the highest profile rapper but like seriously, is Lil Wayne the only rapper guilty of the sins they charge him with in the song??!

CLICK HERE to learn more….

[via NY Mag’s Vulture Blog]ybe at the ened of the day it do


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