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New Music: Eliza Doolittle & Aaron LaCrate – Rockin With The Best feat. MC Verb

MP3 Download: Eliza Doolittle ft Aaron LaCrate – Rockin With The Best by lucidonline

From the B-More Club Crack compilation album by Aaron LaCrate and his production partner, Debonair Samir that dropped last year.

Hit the jump for more on the B-More Club Crack album.

About the B-More Club Crack album:

Aaron LaCrate, Milkcrate Athletics head honcho, designer, music producer, and DJ, is one of the most popular remix DJs in the world today, having remixed songs for chart topping artists like Madonna, Lily Allen, E-40, Souljah Boy, Young Mc and more. Now the Baltimore native is ready to showcase the next major hip-hop/club movement, B-More Club Crack. This release showcases a slew of bubbling talent backed by LaCrate and Samir’s cutting edge production. Armed with the infectious lead single “Oh My Gosh” ft/ Mr. Vegas & Verb, and “Everybody On It”, the highly anticipated club banger by Baltimore’s princess 17-year-old, Mz Streamz, B-More Club Crack shines a huge spotlight on Baltimore, MD and the rising movement of hip-hop/club fusion that will surely sweep the nation.

From touring the world with Gutter Music, to remixing artists, to holding down the turntables as the official DJ alongside pals Mark Ronson, Dizzee Rascal, Lily Allen and Rakim, to Aaron’s collaborations with Vans, Paris style emporium colette, Ed Banger Records + Busy P + So-Me, and designing custom cashmere for Lucien Pellat-finet, Aaron LaCrate has constantly set trends and raised the bar for everything he touches, especially DJ culture.

Milkcrate Records’ now classic B-More Gutter Music mix CD introduced Baltimore Club music to the world gaining critical acclaim and major media attention from MTV, NME, BBC, Dazed and Confused, New York Times, Village Voice, and GQ , making Gutter Music the future sound of Baltimore, and a permanent fixture on the music scene.

Aaron LaCrate has stood uniquely ahead of the music and streetwear trends for the past 10 years. Milkcrate Athletics is the first brand to elevate music and DJ culture to a highbrow, fashionable boutique level – creating a market that dozens of new indie street brands copy and study.

Aaron LaCrate has truly created a lifestyle brand leaving the rest of the industry constantly trying to catch up. His brand represents youth culture here and now. Aaron LaCrate and Samir have written the next chapter in the Baltimore Club history books

Be ready for the next DJ / Producers to break from the pack…Be ready for
B-More Club Crack!

Track Listing:
01. B-More Club Crack Intro
02. Rockin With The Best – (featuring Eliza Doolittle)
03. Talkin Ish
04. Hit The Road
05. Everybody On It
06. Real Is Back, The
07. Post Up – (featuring J. Hussein)
08. Tear It Up
09. Came 2 Party
10. Trigger Play
11. Oh My Gosh – (featuring Verb)
12. F.I.R.E.
13. Put Them Drinks Up
14. Name Ya Hood
15. Bodymore


4 Responses to “New Music: Eliza Doolittle & Aaron LaCrate – Rockin With The Best feat. MC Verb”

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