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[News] Is A Google Executive the ‘Face’ of the Egyptian Revolution?

You couldn’t make this story up: Wael Ghonim, a photogenic young international executive at a cutting-edge new media company starts a Facebook page that sparks a revolution across an entire country. Even if the story didn’t go exactly that way, I’m pretty sure we’ve found the basis for a ‘sequel’ to The Social Network!

Read more on the Google exec, Ghonim’s release from jail and immediate return to the protests in Tahrir Square after a 12-day detainment: CBC | The New York Times

And then click this link for CNN’s take on the question (I would’ve embedded this but was prevented from doing so on ‘copyright grounds’ :/ )


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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Ian, Different Kitchen. Different Kitchen said: [blog] [News] Is A Google Executive the ‘Face’ of the Egyptian Revolution? http://bit.ly/fWG1u7 […]

  2. […] – Is A Google Executive the ‘Face’ of the Egyptian Revolution? […]

  3. […] PLEASE set up a Facebook page so people can keep up with what's going on. If one Google exec can overthrow a 30 year long, dictatorship in the Middle East with a Facebook page, this shouldn't be that hard to do.] Related: To sign the petition for CKLN 88.1FM, CLICK HERE or […]

  4. […] every turn about what has been happening in Egypt and the rest of the middle East . Mona Eltahawy, Wael Ghonim are their ilk are right: the #Jan25 Egyptian revolution is a game-changer that is going to render […]

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