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[News] Is Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak Trying to Run Out the Clock on the Protesters?

I’m not following the minute-by-minute on the momentous series of events happening in Egypt right now that closely (and you literally have to be following it by the minute with the number of twists and turns developments are taking over there), but from what I can see, the resolve of the Egyptian people is only getting stronger! There’s no way Egypt is turning back at this point which makes Vice President Omar Suleiman’s post-Mubarak address speech yesterday afternoon in which he said the protesters should leave the Square and go back to work because all their demands had now been met (see below), that much more ludicrous. Watch it:

Read more:

– President Obama released a statement on the Egyptian situation saying “the Egyptian government must put forward a credible, concrete and unequivocal path toward genuine democracy, and they have not yet seized that opportunity.” CLICK HERE TO READ IT IN FULL.

Egyptian expats foresee worse trouble – “For many expatriate Egyptians who fled repression and corruption in the country, the overwhelming response to President Hosni Mubarak’s speech was disappointment.” [CBC]


Is A Google Executive the ‘Face’ of the Egyptian Revolution?

[Music Video] Gangi – Fire in Cairo (Cure cover)


9 Responses to “[News] Is Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak Trying to Run Out the Clock on the Protesters?”

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