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[News] Rappers: Submit Your Application to Play NXNE 2013 in Toronto, ON Next June

Once again I’m going to be screening the hip-hop (as well as the funk, soul, gospel and reggae) submissions for NXNE and you know how I get down! Over 300,000 people attend NXNE each year so if you’re at a point in your music career where this makes sense, I strongly urge you to apply. CLICK HERE or the banner above for submission details.


7 Responses to “[News] Rappers: Submit Your Application to Play NXNE 2013 in Toronto, ON Next June”

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  1. […] this BX-cat while screening submissions for NXNE. Beat stood out more than him tbh but it caught my ear or has NYC hip-hop been […]

  2. […] one discovered while screening submissions for NXNE. Group, whose name is a bit of a mouthful tbh, is mostly T.dot-based. Love that beat […]

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