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[News] Toronto Young Jeezy Show at Sound Academy Shot Up!

I should have known how this night was gonna end when I went through the far too shoddy and cursory ‘security check.’ That being said, against my better judgement I proceeded to go in anyway and endured an hour of wack opening acts before 5 shots, which I at first thought were firecrackers, went off, scattering the crowd and shutting down the show before Jeezy ever hit the stage.

F-ck you T.dot knuckleheads for ruining everyone’s night and possibly (but I pray not) worse with this idiocy. Lived 17 years in NYC and never (to the best of my recollection) had the misfortune to experience a shooting in a club (although there was one time in Miami at a Luke party during a How Can I Be Down conference in the late 90s…) but come home to this??! Life’s too short as is, I’m not trying to unnecessarily make it any shorter….


12 Responses to “[News] Toronto Young Jeezy Show at Sound Academy Shot Up!”

  1. I was there. That was wack! A dude stumbled out the back door holding his stomach, and I also saw a girl outside the back shot in her leg…far from the action after the fact.

    Posted by Guy | April 5, 2012, 3:16 am
  2. Also a Maserati was smashed up with another car about 1 block away. No people around or near the car, only police.
    Why these guys ruin the show with that small little .22 girl gun?? Damn!! It’s a party…a party!

    Posted by Guy | April 5, 2012, 3:19 am
  3. I was there as well. One guy is in custody now as far as I’ve heard. The only opening act that was good, was Harvey stripes. The security check was garbage. They didn’t even check my girls purse. Fights were constantly breaking out. I have been to tons of rap concerts and have seen young jeezy before in Toronto. Never a shot fired. Point blank period is, there were too many goons under one roof. They should have known better to put jeezy in a location with seating and at least metal detectors. Now our concert was ruined. I did see the smashed up car down the road too. I hope whoever was shot is ok. This shouldnt be happening. People thinking they are tough trying to prove something. Fight with your fists.. Don’t be a pussy and fight with a gun. Enough said…..

    Posted by G | April 5, 2012, 3:48 am
  4. Saw that Maserati too. Wonder if it was involved in the incident at Sound Academy? Hurt my heart to see such a beautiful car ruined like that but not as much as how those idiots with the gun(s) ruined everyone’s night and sent people to the hospital (but I hope nothing worse).

    Posted by Ian | April 5, 2012, 10:02 am
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  1. […] article HERE. And, in case you missed it, hit the jump to see the president shout out Young Jeezy. Recent events in Canada notwithstanding, how do you NOT vote for him just based on […]

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