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[PBS Newshour Video] In Libya, ‘People Are Willing to Die’ for Freedom From Gadhafi

This ‘Arab Awakening’ is so mind-blowing to me. It’s hard for me to stay excited about some regular-ass hip-hop sh-t in the face of historic events like these!


Gaddafi vows to crush protesters – “the Libyan leader speaks to supporters in the capital’s Green Square, saying he will arm people against protesters.” [Al-Jazeera]

Qaddafi Forces Violently Quell Capital Protest – “Rebels Resist as Libyan forces open fire in Tripoli….” [ New York Times]

The chilling transformation of Saif al-Islam Gaddafi: The new face of Libyan defiance – “Colonel Gaddafi’s son was educated in London and has friends in the City and Westminster. Or he did until last week….” [The Observer]

Hundreds of Thousands Protest Across Mideast. [New York Times]


5 Responses to “[PBS Newshour Video] In Libya, ‘People Are Willing to Die’ for Freedom From Gadhafi”

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  1. […] series of track’s on the nweek’s issues in news and politics. His week 21 take on the Libya situation, while thoughtful overall, seems somewhat off in parts though. What y’all think? […]

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