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R.I.P. Big Bank Hank of Sugarhill Gang: August 5, 1957 – November 11, 2014

sugarhill gang

Controversy aside, it’s hard to argue that Big Bank Hank is not a key part of the development of hip-hop music as a commercial proposition. For you youngun’s who’ve grown up in a time where there’s always been hip-hop, “Rapper’s Delight” by Hank’s seminal hip-hop group, the Sugarhill Gang is a major reason why that is a reality today. “Rapper’s Delight” was beyond big. Think of the biggest, hottest record out now and multiply it by at least 10, that’s how massive “Rapper’s Delight” was in its time. Hank’s passing today on Remembrance Day (Veteran’s Day in the US) prematurely from cancer at 57 is sad, sad news indeed. R.I.P.


3 Responses to “R.I.P. Big Bank Hank of Sugarhill Gang: August 5, 1957 – November 11, 2014”

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