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This tag is associated with 54 posts

A thought for Black Friday….

Black Friday: Because only in America, people trample others for sales exactly one day after being thankful for what they already have.

I hope all y’all in the US had a good Thanksgiving….

[via Being Liberal]

[Video] “Let My People Vote!” – Sarah Silverman Speaks on GOP Voter ID Fraud ‘Efforts’

Voter ID laws aim to prevent in-person voter fraud. In person voter fraud basically never happens. So why are so many states passing these laws?

For more, go to Let Me People Vote 2012.

Ready for the Fight: Rolling Stone Interviews Barack Obama

BRING IT!!! Obama on the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, Mitt Romney:

“I think the general election will be as sharp a contrast between the two parties as we’ve seen in a generation. You have a Republican Party, and a presumptive Republican nominee, that believes in drastically rolling back environmental regulations, that believes in drastically rolling back collective-bargaining rights, that believes in an approach to deficit reduction in which taxes are cut further for the wealthiest Americans, and spending cuts are entirely borne by things like education or basic research or care for the vulnerable. All this will be presumably written into their platform and reflected in their convention. I don’t think that their nominee is going to be able to suddenly say, “Everything I’ve said for the last six months, I didn’t mean.” I’m assuming that he meant it. When you’re running for president, people are paying attention to what you’re saying.”

Read the full article HERE. And, in case you missed it, hit the jump to see the president shout out Young Jeezy. Recent events in Canada notwithstanding, how do you NOT vote for him just based on this?!


[video] Hodgy, Domo Genesis And Tyler, The Creator (Odd Future) – Rella

“First video from The OF Vol 2 Album. Produced by Left Brain featuring Tyler, Domo And Hodgy. Video directed by Wolf Haley.”

WTF??!? This video makes Nicki Minaj‘s Grammy performance look tasteful & understated!

[OFWGKTA via Grandgood]

[video] Adele Trashes Newt Gingrich at the Grammys!

I think I just fell in love with Adele!


#DK11: The album, This One Goes To Eleven… OUT NOW

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